MEET Beaumont
A Crossfield Doodle BreederWe love our breeders and we think they are picture “paw”fect!
Our desire at Crossfield Doodles is to take excellent care of our breeders in order to produce the healthiest and well-tempered puppies we can possibly provide for our customers.
Beaumont is most content when he's curled up next to his humans. He is obsessed with anything round that someone can throw for him to chase and thoroughly enjoys playing with his doodle sisters. His sweet eyes get him most any treat he's asking for, and he protects his family with much concern from all the delivery people who dare to drop packages on the front porch. He is full of love and energy and enjoys walks with his family and training with his favorite treats.
View My Pedigree
Sire: Milo

Dam: Lucy

View My Pedigree
“What goes into a Crossfield Doodle?” Let’s start with the cost of owning our girls and boys. Puppies intended for breeding cost double and sometimes triple the purchase price of the same puppy intended as a pet. Purchasing a breeder is one thing, but after we purchase, we test! We have spent much money and time testing our breed fleet so we can make sure we are breeding genetically sound puppies. If you have done much checking around, you know transparent genetic testing is highly recommended and not easily achieved. See for yourself how dedicated we are to this at Pawprint Pedigrees!
If no pedigree is available, we have fully tested either parents or grandparents. These are both breeders produced by us. In these cases where you know parents/grandparents, then you know that a breeder is “Clear by Parentage.“
Genetic Testing
At Crossfield, we make every effort to continue to educate ourselves on best breeding practice. We use the knowledge we gain from multiple forums, including: 1) years of vet consultations with highly educated, well-practiced vets in our local area who specialize in canine reproductive health, 2) articles published by geneticists from PawPrints which speak specifically to genetic disease and canine reproduction, 3) professional peer dialogue with breeders across many breeds, and 4) independent research.
For more information on Crossfield Doodles’ practices regarding genetic testing and our breeding program, please read the below document.